Monday, June 13, 2011

11 days since my last post?

Well let's see what's happened in that time? I visited an oncologist who prescribed Octreotide. I visited a GI who prescribed Octreotide. Yet, here I sit without any Octreotide. Why? Because while the one prescription from the oncologist was waiting to be filled, the other script was sent through electronically, causing CVS to call me and ask which script I wanted filled. I told them to fill the second one, since they said they were waiting for some more info from the onco.

However, it turns out that the script from the GI was perhaps the wrong dose, they couldn't find that dose and my insurance company wasn't all about it, and I was going to have to pay 1500 dollars for it (which I would have gladly done). The script was even on the CVS website for a few days, saying "on file" while they tried to find it. But then it disappeared and now I have no scripts for medicine that I pretty desperately need.

On top of it all, I'm afraid that I insulted the onco by choosing the script from the GI. Ultimately, her script was right, but I may have pissed her off.

So now I get to spend the next few days trying to get a prescription from someone, anyone, please!

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