Monday, July 23, 2012

Radiation Brain

One side effect I have noticed from the PRRT is something I like to call Radiation Brain. In the days and weeks following treatment, a number of symptoms show up:

  • The inability to make simple decsions
  • The inability to remember anything you said the day before
  • The inability to tolerate stupidity (not new) and coming perilously close to telling people how stupid they are
  • Something else but I can't remember what.
A most attractive look, in so many ways. But this is my brain on radiation.

Or maybe it's just the heat.


Kristin's True Love! said...

"The inability to tolerate stupidity (not new) and coming perilously close to telling people how stupid they are" - I believe this is NOT a new symptom...and was usually followed with a backhanded slap or even a punch!

Poor Rod!

Kristin's True Love! said...

"The inability to tolerate stupidity (not new) and coming perilously close to telling people how stupid they are" - I believe this is NOT a new symptom...and was usually followed with a backhanded slap or even a punch!

Poor Rod!

admin said...

Lol, punching Rod was the reason we got together! (I don't think he knows that though!)