Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What I did today...

This is really more for me than for you. I sometimes wonder how I spend my days, and maybe you do too.

Woke up to sound of cat barking at me. Put cat on bed for a few more zzzzzzs. Got up, made breakfast, gave the cat part of my breakfast (it's the highlight of his day). Watched KLG and Hoda. Saw video of crazy dude in courtroom. Took picture of crazy dude in courtroom and texted it to my mom and Jess. Contemplated going to IKEA with Elizabeth, but decided I had overdone it last week and needed to take it easier this week.

Threw some clothes in the washer that needed to be rewashed due to mildew smell (mildew smell still there....crud). Got lab results back from Penn. Worried for a minute, but not really. Dug out an old literature book I needed to reference. Moved all my school stuff downstairs. Decided to sit in chair instead of on couch due to too much time spent on couch yesterday. Read many chapters of lit book.

Mail came. Exciting package from Douv with a fancy new luggage tag and a too generous check from last week's fundraiser. (I'll post details on the next fundraiser...August 11th in Coventry...Hot Rods!) Read some more in lit book and started to take some notes. Rod came home with an actual log, like part of a tree. We caught up on work and my exciting day and made plans to bring the mattress out for the trash later. Rod left for gym and bike ride.

I ate some lunch?dinner? and then did some more reading for school. Got hot, so I turned on the cat's air conditioner. Watched the news and Jeopardy with Rod. Talked to Mom for a few minutes about her visit to the Sunflowers. Then Antiques Roadshow Revisited, where I named pretty much every original price and whether it had gone up or down. Tried to "help" Rod bring the old mattress and boxspring out to the trash. Prayed that the trash men would actually pick it up like customer service said they would. Then watched a new show called Market Warriors. It's my favorite. Sick of TV, so I painted my nails. Looked up some articles online for an eventual paper next week (cmon Prof, what's the topic?!?!) Took a shower to cool off. Decided to document the days events. The End.

Also, interspersed: emailing Douv for an hour about our trip to Maine come October, millions of texts to Jess, checking Twitter to see the Penn State chaos. What did I forget?

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