Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Day 2 of 30 days of Yoga

Well, I really intended to make the 30 days be IN A ROW. But sadly, I way overdid it on day 1, so I was pretty sore and tired on Day 2. Plus I had class and that threw my whole schedule off. So today was Day 2, even though it should have been Day 3.

I was pressed for time, and so I picked one of the shorter videos on the Verge On Demand menu. Oooooof. I chose "Verge Simple Flow with Cara" because it was only 38 minutes. It was my first attempt at Flow yoga, and I guess I did okay. I also learned some new positions such as lizard and half pigeon, which were uncomfortable and lovely in the way that only yoga positions can be.

I was sore and sweaty, but a hot shower and some Advil took care of that. And at least I did it! Woohoo!!
Yup, hurts so good!

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