Thursday, March 22, 2012


If these guys can get along, why can't my tumors just chillax with my organs?

This weekend brought some sunny weather to my area, so I did something that I didn't even do last year...I cleaned out my garden! Seriously, last spring was a tiny bit hectic with trying to get a diagnosis.  Between lab tests, scans, flushing, trying to get medication, and abdominal pain, it left little time for things like weeding.  Plus, I was working and we were in the middle of our renovation.  That seems like so long ago!

I really hate weeding.  Those stupid little plants aren't supposed to be there, and yet their roots are so deep and they keep coming back even after I pull them out.  Sounds eerily similar to my tumors, eh?

My neglected garden has been a constant metaphor for my neglected self.  Old growth from last year that was never cut back, weeds growing in decorative planters; it was all very depressing.  And seeing that I have to walk past it every time I walk into my house, that's a lot of depressing.  So if felt pretty good to clean it out this year.  It felt pretty good that I felt good enough to be out in the sun.

But damn if those weeds aren't an annoying reminder of the tumors all over my small intestine.  I bought a plant when I was in CT, and it has another plant growing in it.  A weed, some might say.  It's an oxalis, so I don't call it a weed.  But if the plant and the weed can coexist, can't my tumors and my organs coexist?

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