Monday, June 20, 2011

Well that went as well as could be expected.

This is my underarm right near my armpit!

I headed over to the doc today for my first octreotide shot. They injected it into the back of my arm, right where I couldn't keep an eye on it. It burned a bit going in, but I suppose that's normal. After the nurse injected me, she showed me how to inject myself using an orange for practice. After we finish injecting the orange, I tell the nurse that it still burns a bit. She checks the injection site and says "Uh oh, you're having a reaction, let me go get the doctor." She comes back with the doctor, but I've already reached into my bag to grab an ativan to help me stay calm. I figure my sensitive skin is just overreacting. The doctor asks if I'm having chest pain, which I tell her I am not. They mark a circle on my arm to mark the advancing rash and keep tabs on it. They take my BP, which is an astounding 191 over 101! Whoa!

They tell me I need to stay 30 minutes for observation, and I tell them I'm going to listen to some relaxing music to chill me out. I was pretty relaxed about the whole thing, I swear. I was trying not to panic, because once I panic it's all over! After 30 minutes, my rash goes down and they say I can go as long as I am feeling fine. I get up and walk around just to make sure, and yep, I seem fine. Now let me explain, anytime I am sitting for 30 minutes and then get up and walk around, I have a flush. But no flushing!!! WHOA!

Then, I drive home and walk up the stairs while holding two flushing! WHOA! After I left the doctor's office, I thought I felt weird from the medicine, but then I realized that I actually felt normal! It's just been so long since I felt normal that I had forgotten what it felt like! WHOA!

Then when I got home my Hibiscus that was just a big bud this morning had opened into a flower! WHOA!



spiderblues said...

WHoa! Good news all around! Except the reaction part. Hopefully it won't happen every time you have to give yourself an injection.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristen,

I am reading your blog and I am praying and wishing you all the best. I just went through all this same stuff just this past month.

Fortunately, for now, everything seems fine. But I will be thinking of you as you head down this journey.


Kaysha said...

Sorry you had a reaction to the octreotide. I give myself shots 3 times a day at home. It works fantastically on the flushing. I can bend over without feeling like I'm going to pass out!