Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I can't make this stuff up.

So, I get a call from the onco today saying I can pick up the prescription, so I head over to pick it up. Then I head home, make a copy of it, and head off to CVS. Instead of just handing it in and walking out, I ask them if they are able to get it. One girl hands it off to the other girl who proceeds to start checking on the computer. After about five minutes, the computer girl says "I can't believe this, now this one is out of stock too. This dose was in stock last week, but now it isn't." I ask if it is available in a generic that might be available. She clicks around, and finds that it's available in a .1 mL dose, but not the .2 mL that is on my prescription. She says that she can call the doc and see if he'll let me switch to the .1 mL. She says she'll call him and call me later.

I go home, and she calls a little while later saying that the doctor was able to change the order and she can get it and I can pick it up tomorrow. Okeedoke. Now I get to inject myself with 6 needles a day instead of just 3. Yay.

But hold on. I get another call a few minutes later. She went to put the order in the system, and their distributor will only allow them to order a certain amount each month. This order exceeds that limit. However, she was able to call the CVS down the street and have them order the other half of the order. She will go pick it up when it comes in and I can pick up the entire order on Friday. We have a good laugh about how this seems to be the hottest drug around!

Can you believe that it has taken me this long and three prescriptions to get this drug? And really, I don't have it yet so let's keep our fingers crossed!


spiderblues said...

Oh, it's sneaky alright. It's the new crack I guess.

Elizabeth said...

Yeesh. And I thought 3/week was bad. Clearly I need to STFU. Let me know if you need any help or even just someone to sit with you.