Monday, July 16, 2012

The Highly Detailed Account of Our Second Trip to Basel

After my first trip to Basel, I felt like there were a lot of moments that were forgotten or that I didn't document on Facebook. It's a lot easier to post on Facebook than on here sometimes. For my second trip, I was determined to keep a journal of each day's events.  Here is my first witty entry, as Sue and I sat at Philadelphia Airport waiting to board:

And here is my second entry:

So, yeah, the journaling thing didn't work out so well. Next time, maybe I'll just post short blogger posts of all my brilliant thoughts and the bizarre events that happen when my mom and I travel together.

Guys, traveling is unbelievably stressful and time consuming. We flew out Friday night, got to Zurich at 8 am Saturday, and got to our hotel in Basel at 1 pm. We passed out in the hotel from 2-6. Sue woke up at 6 to head over to Migros to get some food for Sunday, since everything is closed. Sadly, we forgot that everything closes at 6 on Saturday. Womp.

We were deflated as we stood in front of Migros trying to figure out what to do next. We somehow hopped on the 15 tram. It took us to all the familiar stops, but after the museum area, it started to pick up speed in this almost residential area we had never seen. I gave Sue the old "get off at the next stop...if it ever stops" look, and we jumped off at a place we'd never been. As we stood there trying to get our bearings, we saw a tiny little store that appeared to be open...people were going in and coming out with stuff.  Behold, a new discovery...COOP Pronto!  Basically a wawa version of COOP!  Woohoooooooo!  We wouldn't starve to death after all!

We went in and bought all sort of junk food. Popcorn, chocolate, crappy Swiss coke and diet coke. Maybe some babybels and pringles too. It's all a blur.

Aren't you exhausted just hearing one little story from our first day? And I didn't even include the part where we got back on a tram that dropped us off in the red light district and we were lost for about 2 minutes until we got our bearings.

I'll write more later this week, I just wanted to pop in and say hello to y'all.

1 comment:

Laura Macaluso said...

How is it that your handwriting hasn't changed in 20 years?! Mine has really lost its form. I think my scrawl reflects my laziness these days. BTW your description of traveling and trying to find something to eat is right on the money. That is exactly what traveling outside of the US is like (maybe even some parts of the US, too). The bottom line is, you get good stories from such (small) triumphs. It's good.