Saturday, May 19, 2012

One year anniversary...of my iPad!

One year ago, on May 19th 2011....I got my iPad! I ordered it on April 30th, and spent the next 19 days anxiously awaiting its arrival, and tracking its trip from China once it was shipped. It was a thrilling time. The next day, May 20th, I got my official diagnosis of carcinoid cancer by way of a positive Octreoscan.

I knew what the doctor was going to tell me, because she called me 8 hours after I finished my scan and wanted to see me the next day. Not her usual tactics.

There were no tears, only relief. I was relieved to know that I wasn't crazy. Relieved that I had a name for the flushing. My doctor had already set up a meeting for me with a surgeon who specialized in carcinoid cancer...for the following Wednesday. An appointment that would probably take a month to get was already taken care of. More relief.

But how about that iPad? He's really had a heck of a year! Kept me company on that first 4 hour wait to see the surgeon for five minutes. Spent lots of time with me in the ER. Been to countless doctor's appointments. Came to surgery with me, though he was ultimately brought back home since it was clear that I was too messed up to utilize him.

Best of all, he's kept me in touch with Gavin and my sister, and my mom and dad and Rod. Yay iPad! Congrats on your one year anniversary!

1 comment:

Trudi said...

Happy Anniversary to you and Ivan!

Oh, I took the liberty of naming


I-VAN to go to McD's, I-VAN to go to Disneyland, I-VAN to see pictures of Gus and familiy, I-VAN
to see Trudi...

I wrote a very funny note to you and when finished wanted me to sign up to their blog...unfortunagely GOOGLE didn't process it and my comments vanished ! oh well...

Please continue to keep your body strong, your head on straight and question everything ! !

Don't tell Rod about your new companion, Ivan = he'll get jealous !

Although they can do lots of the same things for you:
entertain = movies, artwork, music...

Both can take photographs.
both can remind you of appointments.
Ivan can supply a recipe and with full picturtorial directions and Rod can cook it up!

But, only one of them will do the dishes!
Anyway Kristin, keep your chin up and don't forget to have fun when you can and eat when you're supposed and of course rest when you can !!

I'll be in touch, and when you're up to it, I can receive emails from just about anyone, including YOU ! !!

Well, I'd better get an hour or 2 of sleep, gotta' go to Glen Mills WFM today, it is SUN BUTTER DAY ! !

Love ya',
Trudi 215 722 1972 home