Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Turn the page...

Not exactly a calendar, but you get the idea....
Well, tomorrow is March 1st.  I'll turn that calendar and my PRRT date will be staring me in the face for the next 18 days.  Actually, I wish I could turn it today, because then I would see how little time I have to get my act organized for my trip.

Trip to Houston in March?  What happened to July?  What happened to liver directed therapy before PRRT?  Well, those little tumors are growing so fast that we decided to fast track this PRRT thing.

Did I mention there is a geiger counter involved at the end of my trip?  They have to go to my hotel room and check that the radiation levels are safe!  I don't know why, but that's funny.  I expect to make many, many Homer Simpson/nuclear power plant jokes over the next month or so.  Feel free to pile on.

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